3. Install Subber Discord Bot
Install the Subber Discord Bot in your community's Discord server to have Subber automatically post giveaways and winners.
Last updated
Install the Subber Discord Bot in your community's Discord server to have Subber automatically post giveaways and winners.
Last updated
Subber Discord Bot enables posting giveaways and winners, and assigning roles.
To install the Subber Discord Bot, go to Dashboard > Discord Bot > Install Subber Bot (make sure you have a Discord linked to your Subber community in Community Settings)
Please verify that the Discord server URL is correct, format should be discord.gg/123
(not invite link)
Set up the Discord Bot with the appropriate permissions:
If you want the Subber Bot to assign roles to giveaway winners, make sure the Subber Bot has Manage Roles permissions and is sorted above the role that you want it to assign in your server's Role settings.
In order to have the Subber Bot post giveaways in your server, make sure Subber Bot has the permissions in the screenshots below in all the channels you want it to post on your server.
For private channels, make sure the Discord Bot has permissions specifically set up for that channel (see below for the permissions settings).
Once installed go back to Dashboard > Discord Bot > Verify Discord Access.
In Subber > Discord Bot, make sure to select the Discord channels for the Bot to post to for Giveaways (per chain), Winners, and more.
Discord Bot channel permissions: